

WebPhotoShare™ — The End-User Interfaces


WebPhotoShare™ offers your users many features for accessing and sharing images, catalogues and other types of documents on-line (e.g. Internet, Extranet and Intranet) simply and easily, all within any web browser interface*.

Some of the features:

  • Totally customisable client interfaces (branding).
  • Customisable HTML/CCS interfaces (bespoke).
  • Robust and easy search functions let users search on-line pictures by various criteria.
  • Downloading individual documents in a variety of formats.
  • Access to larger image size.
  • Instant asset download (one-click process).
  • File distribution system that can create a single compressed file containing all the individual files selected by users (transfer via e-mail or direct download).
  • NEW Shopping basket facility (optional).
  • NEW Send-to-a-friend feature (optional).
  • Drop Box for user upload of documents (optional).
  • NEW User comment/messaging systems.
  • Multilingual system (English/French available and customisable per client).
  • NEW Access limitation by visitor IP/host address or by date.
  • And much more!

*Netscape or Explorer, versions 4.0 and upward required.





To view a demo of
WebPhotoShare™ contact
Franck Cassedanne: